
Over-reliance on volunteers..?

Exploring evidence and patterns around current volunteering Perspectives Read more.

VCSE Alliance Volunteer of the month August 2023

Well done Kevin Foxon! You are a star! Read more.

Advertise your job role

Sometimes finding the right person to fit a job role can be a challenge and you need to broaden your reach and find more potential applicants! Read more.

VCSE Alliance Coventry Critical issue 'Feeding those in need'

From unexpected bills, to redundancy, to waiting for benefits to arrive, sometimes people need a helping hand. Read more.

Small Charity Week

Supporting small charities and voluntary organisations to make a bigger difference is vital Read more.

Volunteer Mehajabeen talks about volunteering in preparation for the workplace

Whether you are looking for work, exploring a change in career or growing your professional skills, #volunteering can offer you new experiences and a chance to develop your employability. This #VolunteersWeek, why not invest in yourself? Read more.

Networking and Collaboration Event Early Help Strategy, Children and Families

Date: 19 June 2023 Where Woodside Family Hub Upper Ride Willenhall Wood CV3 3GL Time 2.00 - 4.00pm refreshments provided Read more.

Christopher Williams - Volunteer of the month June 2023

The VCSE Alliance Coventry nominate their volunteer of the month and Voluntary Action Coventry Spreads the word! Read more.

Volunteer of the month MAY

Congratulations Elizabeth Yardley! You are VCSE Alliance Coventry's #volunteerofthemonth May 2023 Thank You for being an amazing Volunteer at Historic Coventry Trust Read more.

Networking and Collaboration event, children, young people and families

Keep this date in your diary! Networking and collaboration event, families, children and young people Date: 19 June 2023 Place: Wood Side Family Hub CV3 3GL Time: 2.00 - 4.00pm Read more.


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