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Improving Lives

Improving Lives – Voluntary Action Coventry’s Volunteering Course

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Improving Lives is for anyone aged 18 years and over who is unemployed (or NEET) who wants to know more about volunteering opportunities in Coventry, and have a go at some volunteering activities to increase their confidence and well-being.

The Improving Lives course consists of 12 structured sessions of engaging activities, discussions, visits and support that take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10.30am to 12.30pm for 6 weeks. Additionally, participants can access to one-to-one support and guidance to help them with volunteering or employment barriers. 

The course aim is to support participants to focus on their futures and realise their potential, improving confidence in their own skills and abilities and what they have to offer, and to learn about and practice elements necessary for finding, applying for and securing volunteer or work roles.

4. Imp Lives Topper

What participants will gain from the course:

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How it all works

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Participants will be asked to attend an informal discussion with the Improving Lives Project Officer to discuss the course in-depth and complete a registration form.

Bus tickets will be reimbursed and refreshments provided. 

Course Dates:

Our August course is up and running. Our next courses are scheduled to start:

Tuesday 24th September 24 to Thursday 31th October 24

Tuesday 12th November 24 to Thursday 9th December 24

Tuesday 14th January 25 to Thursday 20th Feb 25


For further information please contact Tia Bhayat, Improving Lives Project Senior Officer on 024 76 220 381 or email volunteering@vacoventry.org.uk

With thanks to The Sheldon Trust, One Stop, The 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust, Alan Edward Higgs Charity and Eveson Trust who have also provided funding to deliver Improving Lives.

Coventry City Council's - employment, skills and adult education projects

Our projects are part funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the
West Midlands Combined Authority’s and HM Government’s Commonwealth Games Legacy Fund

If you would like to find out more information please get in touch

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